When it comes to seeking suit and tie style inspiration, our number one advice is to turn to your own community. The London queer scene is unparalleled when it comes to DIY aesthetics.
We asked some of our suit and tie style icons in our community how suits and ties play a part in their identity and expression.
(Beau Jangles, 'Long Live the Drag Kings', HungerTV.com, 2022)
I love wearing suits on stage. I think there’s such a funny professionalism and power to them that can be harnessed. I love bringing an ironic ‘professionalism’ to a diy queer space. Feels like a beautiful piss take of a certain professional masculinity, whilst making me feel sexy and masc.
Recently I have been making a selling ties with Lambdog1066 with various words sew into them such as lesbian, excel, mr lady, faggot. It feels like a reclaiming of these words by putting them on a symbol of ‘work’. Professional and ‘smart’ clothing always felt oppressive and restrictive to me. So it feels good to reclaim it and make it overtly GAY. It’s a bit of a middle finger up at British professionalism and all it's tied up with white patriarchy. I like to imagine an alternate reality where all men going to work are wearing ties that say lesbian on them. Like imagine them going to work and their boss telling them off because they aren't wearing their lesbian tie. So jokes.
Last year I was feeling quite stagnant and uninspired so I began to explore upcycling as a way to use my hands creatively. I use only secondhand materials where possible, and take great value in the slow process of giving garments a new lease of life and fresh energy. Queer people will always be my fashion inspiration - reclaiming power by using clothing to affirm gender identities or playing with the gender binaries through clothing.
What I needed was a suit that reflected my personality and individual style. The only clothing available was tailored for men and as a result the measurements were disproportionate for women. What I needed just wasn't available. So I made it.
"My power style is a waistcoat and a pair of loose-fit low suit trousers and my leather belts. That's when I feel the most hot, sexy and confident".
"Moving past aesthetics, I really enjoy all types of unique styles. I love seeing people have fun and experiment with what they’re wearing".